Reset Your Nervous System
And change your body and your mind’s response to stress

Pain Free Movement
When we press reset on our nervous system using our breath, put back lost developmental movement patterns and teach our brains that movement is safe, our bodies can heal and be strong.
No matter your age.
No matter your story.
Bodies can heal when the nervous system sends safety messages rather than fear.
This bottom-up approach brings awareness into our bodies to release stored tension, traumas and experiences.
By focusing on regulating the nervous system from a body-up approach, we find our way out of chronic stress patterns, behaviours and chronic pain.
Getting to know your nervous system is vital for this cycle to end.
Conditioning & Strength
Your ability to move, perform and use your body relies on a healthy nervous system.
Your strength, your stability, your flexibility, your mobility and your strength all are an expression of your nervous system and its reflexes.
To lift better, sculpt our bodies and maintain good body composition, we press reset on the nervous system and then load it.
Holistic Nutrition
Good nutrition helps our mind and body work harmoniously and helps make the nervous system feel safe.
When we don't consistently meet our nutritional needs, the nervous system activates our flight or flight, via our vagus nerve, alerting the brain we're no longer getting what we need.
This is when our bodies become stuck - they can no longer heal.
Ready to get started?
I run a range of courses and one-to-one training sessions for all women.
Find what's right for you and start feeling better sooner.
Making Movement Matter
Do you have body pain, digestive, hormonal and or sleep issues?
Each week we focus on one area of the body and an area of holistic health to teach the body how to re-integrate itself; so you feel less pain and tension, build strength and a strong mind-body connection so you can live in a body that feels good.
5 weeks
1 hour p/w
Emotional Health Physical Pain Workshop
This course will help you understand how your emotional health is tied to chronic pain, anxiety, depression, sleep issues and hormonal imbalances. You will learn how to turn off the alarm systems from your mind-body system so you can move through pain, focus on emotional health and build a life that is in alignment and feels right for you.
1 day
2.5 hours
Women's Circle
This monthly women-only circle is by invatation only after you have completed the one day Emotional Health Physical Pain Workshop. or the Nervous System Reset Series. Here this amazing community of women will continue to support, inspire and help you create a life that feels good.
2.5 hours p/m
Women's Fitness Classes
These weekly womens only fitness classes are designed for women to get fit, feel strong but most importantly feel empowered in their own bodies. Pre and Post natal women are especially welcome so we can work on getting your body moving even better and feeling great after your baby. Whole body workouts with a great group of women.
Weekly Various days
1 hour
You're in safe hands
Nadine has over 15 years of Personal Training and Health Coaching experience. Get in touch today to talk about how we can help you.

Certified Pro Coach
CPES 2.0
Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise
Cert IV Advanced Diploma
Personal Training & Advanced Instruction
Advanced Diploma Nutrition
Pre and Post Pregnancy